A personal journey through sound.

Aeolian Day 2015: May 31, Oakland, CA

Posted: May 6th, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: field recording, news

I’ll be the field recordist for the second Aeolian Day, put on by Thingamajigs, at Jack London Square, Oakland, California! The event is Sunday, May 31, 11am-4pm, and coincides with the weekly farmer’s market there. You can help the local art scene – which has been locally challenged by gentrification and rising Bay Area rents – and fill your face with awesome Bay Area eats!

Come check out a whole day of wind-driven art, and the sounds that they make! And if you see the guy with the boom pole, please do say hi…just, please, not while I’m rolling… :-D

Thingamajigs will be doing fun stuff with the audio and video, too, so keep an eye on their website for more!

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